Patent Analysis and Comparison

Patent analysis and comparison, production in the prior technology in the production of each product must be considered for similar documents. However in this case the outside, especially in the case of intellectual property rights is needed in case the patent analysis and benchmarking.

Patent comparison; It relates to the production of a patented product compared to a contemplated product. These comparisons are relevant for the comparison of patented products produced by the specification and claims, the elements contained in the intended product.

The purpose of the patent compare the service; patent infringement and is done in cases of rape or to provide state of the comparisons made in the case without trial. In other words, it is like going to the doctor before getting sick.. Patent comparison, which is a situation that will be realized by those who have technical and legal knowledge of the subject., It is to prevent the fears you will experience for the future during the production of your products.. Patent comparison, will also carry a kind of expert opinion in case of lawsuits..

Patent analysis is about analyzing the specification and claims of a patented product.. We recommend the patent analysis service to all our customers who need this subject in order to determine the weak points of the claims.. With patent analysis, the scope of protection of the protected product is determined and the weaknesses of the patented product's protection scope are determined.. Can also offer Patent Analysis and Benchmarking as a single service transaction. Such as going to the doctor before getting sick with the analysis and comparison processes.; Taking action without negative consequences is pretty much the same thing.. You can easily look ahead thanks to patent analysis and comparisons.. We see patent analysis as a sine qua non of a healthy R&D..

As Red Crescent Patent and Engineering Office, we provide patent analysis and comparison services to both manufacturing companies. / we give to individuals, both to patent holders and to lawyers and law offices related to the subject.. Patent analysis and comparison service is purely a patent engineering service. If you would like to receive such a service from experts in their field, please contact us..


Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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