brand Search

brand search

In order to easily promote your goods or services that you offer to consumers, you must have your trademark registered in order to prevent the use of your carefully created brand without your consent and to prevent unfair gains on your efforts for many years.. Brand registration, will show that your brand belongs to you and no one will be able to use your brand name without your permission., will not be able to sell products or services belonging to your brand. Even if you detect the existence of such a situation, you will be able to initiate legal proceedings by using the legal rights you will have thanks to your trademark registration., You will be able to prevent unfair gains.

In order to register a trademark, you must apply to the Turkish Patent Institute.. TPI will approve or reject your trademark registration after the examination to be made by yourself or through an application through a proxy firm.. Before you make your registration application, it is absolutely necessary to prevent your trademark registration from being rejected. brand search You must carry out the transactions and determine whether the trademark you want to register is registered on someone else or the company.. Brand search If there is a similarity situation, you can apply for trademark registration by making changes in some points according to the data you will obtain after. In short brand search If the brand you want to use is already in use, this situation is determined and you make some changes on your own brand and after eliminating the similarities, you can make your trademark registration application., You can eliminate the possibility of your application being rejected..

Brand search It is one of the points affecting the trademark registration process.. Necessary steps are taken according to the data obtained through the research of the trademark and the registration of your trademark is finalized depending on the latest studies.. Therefore brand search It is extremely important to work with a company that provides professional services in the field.. The slightest mistake that can be made can mean that your trademark registration approval is endangered..

As a Red Crescent Patent firm for a long time brand search and we provide services to our customers in trademark registration applications.. Our professional and experienced team will assist you in every step of the process for the approval of your trademark registration and will consider everything necessary for you with great care.. You can get detailed information about our services by contacting our company., Let us assist you in the trademark registration process and free of charge. brand search you can make.

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Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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