Turkish Patent

Turkish patent

With growing technological possibilities has facilitated a sizable proportion of research and development work done. Now many companies can develop new ideas to improve their technological capabilities and capacity with products and services they developed these ideas can. However, no matter how advanced technology to realize production and produced a new idea to develop this idea is a difficult process, both material and spiritual. As a result of intensive labor and idea development process where there is use of company resources and contacts, unauthorized use this in a way that people without any contribution to the formation and development of ideas and must protect them from gaining an unfair advantage. At this point, the Turkish Patent It comes into Institute.

Turkish Patent Institute, They developed the idea that firms and individuals is an independent body established to safeguard their capital. Turkish Patent the patent owner or the company giving the idea Institute, a long process of working on ideas they have created is in ensuring that eligible. So the idea of ​​having no contribution to the process of capital formation 3. People are not gaining an unfair advantage by using these ideas. In case of the occurrence of such a situation will apply to the patent owners have the legal right is a legal way. Therefore Turkish Patent Industry serves to protect the intellectual capital. So both are to contribute to the development of both countries is protected rights of patent owners.

If you have an idea you think you are and you also have to develop a completely original Turkish Patent You can book a patent registration by contacting the Institute. before you apply for a patent and that the patent should make sure to mind your inquiry previously used by another person or institution, You must be completely sure that the original. Unoriginal, ideas which have previously been endorsed by TP.

Turkish Patent Institute deputy authorized to operate a company connected with the Red Crescent Patent Your patent registration process within a short time, You can conclude that the way you want. our company, By patent question whether your idea is original and explores in detail the necessary patent data services directing you to prevent you from experiencing any shortage in your registration application. Our experienced and expert staff, By checking carefully each step until your registration is approved patents, Manages process in a professional manner.

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Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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