Human resources

If you wish to apply for a job in our company; Please CV 'CPC is an e-mail address or your message to us using the form below. CV assessment will be made to each and every application will be sent and stored to be sensitive to the condition of keeping secrets in our CV pool and will contact you in case of being is a necessity and needs.

There is also the open position.


1) Intern engineer

engineering faculty of the University 3. class students.

  • Eager to learn and can learn quickly,
  • Three-dimensional thinking can,
  • You can use any three-dimensional drawing program,
  • In Conversation level, and with sufficient knowledge of English to understand in terms of writing,
  • Long-term thinking of a business relationship

We have a running quest.



Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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