• Turkish Patent Office for Patent Registration

    Thanks to the developing technology, it is now much easier to carry out research and development studies than in the past.. However, although technology allows people to develop their ideas,, Generating an idea from scratch and developing this idea brings with it a challenging process both financially and morally.. For this reason, it is necessary for people to register the ideas they produce and to contribute to the formation of these ideas., It is necessary to prevent people who have no contribution to its development from gaining unfair advantage by using it without permission.. Bunun için de fikir sahiplerinin Türk Patent Ofisi diye halk arasında isimlendirilen TPE aracılığı il . . .
  • Rivers will now flood discharge

    Can rivers blocked to cause floods, inundating towns? We attempt to answer this question for a long time with dam. But the problems did not prevent the occurrence of flooding in these structures. So another to prevent such disasters Is it possible way? Robert Meijer is aiming to bring the solution to this question in the framework of a European project: "Just below my feet 48 What is the status of the dam receivers and behaviors are constantly checked. With this technology, we are faced with the world's most intelligent dam." Underground and underwater receivers developed by the European Union Research Program, The measure they are sending their data centers located in different countries . . .
  • Laser cleaning

    cleaning is carried out using laser method . . .
  • How to Design Registration of Industrial development?

    How to Design Registration of Industrial development? Each image 554 Decree Law No. be prepared as outlined in the application and the TPE must be done in person or through a proxy. As in all other industrial property rights registration application amateurish here to do this could lead to financial losses and loss of rights. Industrial Design Registration Where to buy? Each Industrial Design Registration is required regarding the countries concerned to apply to the Patent Office for the visual. The applicant is required to reach the Turkish Patent Institute in Turkey. . . .
  • How trademark application?

    How trademark application? Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.. Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.. 45 Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark. (Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.) Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.. Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.. Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark.. Diğer tescil işlemlerinde olduğu gibi marka tescili nde de marka başvurusu yapmanın yanı sıra süreci iyi yönetmek ve doğru başvuru yapmak gerekmektedir. Preliminary research should be done before applying for a trademark. 556 Sayılı Kanun Hükmündeki Kararnamede belirtilen şartları taşımayan bir marka ile yola çıkmak maddi bir kayıp oluştura . . .

    Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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