Trademark Control

check the trademark registration

Your brand that you have created as a result of a long process of working, Be of use rights only belong to you and you can do it without your permission trademark registration in order to prevent you from using your brand name of the foreign person or the product application process must be followed carefully. Before making your application must work together with a company that has been serving as a professional in this field to benefit from the firm's experience, The process is completed in an efficient manner will ensure your view. If the company experienced staff will carry out a detailed interrogation procedures brand and your brand in a way that there are commonalities with other brands by identifying these points, will inform you about the points you need to make changes. Then after you work with your company trademark registration application check the trademark registration You should also carry out regular operations and should follow closely the ratification process your trademark registration.

For many years in making the registration of trademark applications and patent Our company has been serving with the Red Crescent team experienced in brand inquiry, brand with great pleasure will help you to obtain your registration, see. experienced team of our company, If your brand by making the inquiry will identify similarities with other brands and will inform you in detail to make the necessary changes. You made your mark after the application for registration check the trademark registration The transaction will be carried out by us carefully.

After your application for registration of trademark, Your brand newsletter is published on the brand appeal to be submitted to other people. Once the delivery is performed if an appeal is made, TPE considering these objections, your brand will make a re-evaluation of the approval of the registration. our staff will make a close check the trademark registration With operations, Once published in the newsletter of your brand will be able to have instant information about what is happening and whether the appeal or the results of any assessment and will have the right to appeal the decision. You finished your other important business, Our experienced team check the trademark registration And to carry out their transactions in all developments in the ratification process your trademark registration will notify you instantly. Work with a company that Ankara Kızılay Patent and patent our company can communicate with us to benefit from our experience and you can get detailed information about our services.

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